Somebody (Live)

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This is a live recording of EM The Master and her band at Harvelles, Santa Monica. It features Melvin Brannon Jr on bass (Booker T. Jones), Adrian Young on drums (No Doubt), Adam Ray Burton on guitar and Sebastian Leger on trumpet.
EM held a residency at Harvelles for a number of years, performing her highly energetic show weekly.

Album Review

The Master? Maybe, if you know you can back it up. EM does and does it all, maybe like no one you’ve ever seen. Her original songs are excellent, the arrangements masterful, the band killer. She is a non-stop ball of frenetic but focused energy. She crawls across the stage and the floor gripping the mic. She doesn’t play the piano, she attacks it. She uses her voice as an instrument in creative ways to transform each number. Maybe the best 10 bucks you ever spent.
- Santa Monica Daily Press